Latest News
16 December 2014

Translocation of Growling Grass Frog

Between November 2010 and May 2011 Biosis undertook the largest translocation of the nationally vulnerable Growling Grass Frog ever attempted.  The translocation involved moving a population from a farm dam approved to be removed for residential development to a purpose-built wetland 480 metres away.  Translocations involving this species are rarely undertaken and poorly documented so it presented an opportunity to learn more about the success or otherwise of this type of management action.  We used mark-recapture to more accurately estimate the size of the population and provide a means of determining the proportion of the population that was relocated. It also provided interesting data on the movements of Growling Grass Frogs to and from the dam and identified issues associated with translocation of this species.

The paper on the translocation has just been published online by Australian Zoologist.


For more information contact Daniel Gilmore on 0428 108 379