Latest News
14 November 2023

Nick Scott announced as the inaugural Daniel Gilmore Scholarship recipient

Biosis is excited to announce that Nick Scott from Monash University is the inaugural recipient of the Daniel Gilmore Scholarship. 

Nick’s Honours project is focused on the ecology and conservation of two data deficient skinks of Eungella, Queensland – Saproscincus eungellensis and Tumbunascincus luteilateralis. 

Working under the supervision of Professor David Chapple and Jules Farquhar, Nick’s targeted field surveys will provide essential knowledge on these species and allow the first conservation assessments to be done, potentially resulting in a threatened species listing under the IUCN Red List and EPBC Act. 

Nick said that receiving the Daniel Gilmore Scholarship is a pivotal moment in his academic journey. 

“Being the first recipient of this scholarship created in honour of Daniel’s legacy is a deeply humbling experience and has instilled me with a renewed determination to make a positive impact in the field of ecology,” he said. 

“I am incredibly excited to be the recipient of this scholarship and look forward to upholding Daniel’s values through my Honours research.” 

Congratulations, Nick! We can’t wait to see the results of your research. 

The $3,000 scholarship was established in memory of our dear friend and colleague, Daniel Gilmore, whose passion for the natural world inspired us during his 21 years with Biosis. 

The scholarship is open to Honours students in Australia studying wildlife ecology, the next round of applications will open in September 2024. 






Saproscincus eungellensis and Tumbunascincus luteilateralis. Credit: Brendan Schembri.