Our people

Jeff Yugovic

BSc (Hons), PhD, Cert IV TAE, Vegetation Quality Assessment Accreditation (State Government of Victoria) Senior Associate Ecologist

Victorian Country Fire Authority (CFA)
Invasive Species Council
Ecological Consultants Association of Victoria

Dr Jeff Yugovic is a highly experienced ecologist with a career spanning over 40 years. His contributions in both the public and private sectors have established his reputation as a leading expert in the field. Holding a senior consultant role at Biosis for more than three decades, Jeff possesses extensive knowledge of the diverse flora and fauna of south-east Australia, making him a widely respected authority on ecology.

Throughout his career, Jeff has demonstrated a commitment to advancing ecological science through the publication of numerous scientific reports and papers. His portfolio has over 500 consultant reports and 15 papers. Jeff's work has not only contributed significantly to scientific knowledge but has also played a pivotal role in shaping the success and reputation of Biosis as experts in the ecology sector.

In addition to his research and consulting endeavours, Jeff has appeared before planning panels and VCAT hearings. This experience underscores his ability to navigate complex regulatory environments and effectively communicate ecological insights to diverse stakeholders. Jeff also brings valuable supervisory experience, having overseen various projects aimed at sustainable resource management. His guidance and mentorship have been instrumental in fostering the next generation of environmental professionals.

Beyond his professional achievements, Jeff is a member of the Victorian Country Fire Authority (CFA), the Invasive Species Council and the Ecological Consultants Association of Victoria. These affiliations not only reflect his dedication to community service but also highlight his ongoing commitment to staying abreast of the latest developments in ecological science and conservation land management practice.