Latest News
9 December 2016

Biosis leads community surveys for the Wadalba Wildlife Corridor

The corridor, owned by Central Coast Council, is located on the NSW Central Coast.  The corridor is a patch of retained native vegetation and fauna habitat that functions as a wildlife movement corridor and provides connectivity between Porters Creek Wetlands and Tacoma Wetlands.  To date, limited studies have been undertaken to look at the fauna assemblages using the corridor and determine if it is functioning as expected.  In addition, a lack of information on the species found within the corridor inhibits the development of suitable management of the corridor.  To address this, Biosis, in conjunction with Central Coast Council, will be leading community based surveys between December and February to determine species using the wildlife corridor as part of ongoing monitoring efforts.  Members of the public are welcome to attend these fauna surveys and learn more about the local fauna that inhabit the corridor.

Through this community-based initiative Council and Biosis hope to develop community engagement and build a sense of ownership around the Wadalba Wildlife Corridor by the local community.